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Mission Statement

Tien Dao was established as a non-profit Christian organization in 1985 and is not affiliated with any denomination. Our mission is to spread the gospel through literary work, nurture believers, and serve the church. The logo of Tien Dao features an open book (representing the Bible as the foundation) emitting seven rays of light, symbolizing the diverse development of sacred work.

Origins of the North American Tien Dao Gospel Center

In 1985, Pastor Paul Yong established the North American Tien Dao Gospel Center in his garage, making it a sister organization to the Hong Kong Tien Dao publishing house. The center has two main ministries: first, providing gospel resources and collaborating with churches to carry out various gospel-related work based on needs; second, offering book services, with Pastor Yong’s wife frequently setting up book stalls at churches to serve believers.


Several years later, with strong encouragement and donations from a senior brother in Christ, North American Tien Dao moved to a commercial area to establish an office and book house. The center frequently organized large evangelistic meetings with Bay Area churches, formed teams to participate in the Bay Area Chinese Games, organized joint choirs for tours, and held spring camps to evangelize to compatriots in the homeland.

In 2013, Pastor Chen Shao Zhao joined the center as a board member and voluntary Executive Director, leading to the development of the North American Tien Dao. In 2014, Pastor Chen took over as the Executive Director of the Hong Kong Tien Dao Book House and became the voluntary President of the Global Tien Dao Organization. He later established the Tien Dao Digital Library and assisted in publishing the complete "Tien Dao Bible Commentary," the only full set of Chinese Bible commentaries written entirely by Chinese scholars.

Operating a bookstore in the San Francisco Bay Area is challenging due to rental pressures. In response, North American Tien Dao, along with the American Global Bible Society's board members and donations from believers, purchased an office in Milpitas in 2016. This allowed for continued expansion in gospel and literary work.

With increasing ministry needs, North American Tien Dao opened the Southern California Tien Dao Gospel Center Book Room in El Monte in 2017, serving local churches and believers in the greater Los Angeles area. It is currently the only physical book room in the area. Recently, Southern California Tien Dao has actively expanded its online gospel bookstore, providing broad service across the U.S. and adapting to modern trends. Additionally, the center has hosted two Southern California Tien Dao Gospel Camps in recent years, leading dozens of people to commit to faith.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, North American Tien Dao continued its services through online platforms like Zoom and YouTube. We launched daily devotionals, Bible series lectures, mental and emotional health courses, and family and parenting seminars. We also encouraged believers through the "You Share the Gospel, I Send the Bible" initiative, focusing on reaching distant relatives and continuing gospel outreach.


Recently, North American Tien Dao has strongly promoted spiritual reading by organizing free online book clubs. Since 2021, 27 sessions have been held, benefiting many believers who appreciate the platform and learning opportunities. In 2022, aligned with the publication of the "Global Bible Translation," North American Tien Dao started a Bible reading group where participants engage in daily online reading, sharing, and prayer, gaining new insights from the scriptures.

In 2022, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit and the support of a foundation, North American Tien Dao and Southern Bay Church united with various churches and organizations to promote the "123 Let’s Go Movement" in Chinese commercial areas. More than 10 events were held, reaching over 3,500 people and leading over 200 to commit to faith. Additionally, in 2023, they co-hosted the "123 Care About You Music Evangelistic Meeting" with the Hong Kong Christian Music Ministry Association, attended by over 800 people, leading several to faith.

We thank and praise God for His guidance and blessings over the past 38 years. We also appreciate the suggestions, support, and encouragement from churches and believers, walking and growing together with North American Tien Dao. All glory and praise be to the Triune God.

Future plans

Tien Dao aims to be a partner in church missions and the spiritual growth of believers. Through book clubs, Bible reading sessions, publishing, preaching, and gospel camps, Tien Dao seeks to spread the gospel and help believers grow spiritually. We also strive to be a missionary partner for churches through Bible donation campaigns, evangelistic meetings, and street preaching, working in unity with churches to fulfill the Great Commission.

Looking ahead, we will remain committed to the Lord's entrustment. The turbulent world situation, rapid social development, and economic uncertainties present many challenges. We hope that brothers and sisters in the Lord will participate in Tien Dao's ministry and support it through prayer, believing that God will use our efforts to achieve His purposes.

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