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禱告也是天道事工前進的動力和力量源泉。 我們的事工需要您的代禱支持,您若願意透過電子郵件定期收到我們的代禱信,請加入我們的代禱行列。



We sincerely invite volunteers of all kinds. If you are willing to help build God's Kingdom and serve the body of Christ, we welcome you to join our volunteer team.

Our volunteer opportunities include roles in editing, proofreading, audio-visual production, book fair promotion, and event support.

Prayer Brings Life Change!

Prayer is the driving force and source of strength behind Tien Dao's ministry. We deeply rely on your intercessory support. If you are willing to receive our prayer letters regularly via email, we invite you to join our prayer team.

We sincerely thank you for partnering with us in the Lord's work through your prayers.

Do you have a burden and passion for spreading the Gospel and making disciples through Tien Dao's ministry? Are you willing to help provide the benefits of literature and reading to Chinese churches and believers worldwide through Tien Dao's publishing efforts?

We'd love to hear about your experience and how you can contribute!

Back of a group of volunteers

Ways to serve



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